Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy – Privacy and Confidentiality 


Privacy Policy - The privacy of your data on the Internet is highly valued and cared for by us.

This policy is subject to all the requirements set by Google in its recent policy regarding information and methods of collecting users, and the fact that our site is on the Blogger platform is a product of free Google products that are subject to its policy and all its and what is mentioned here via the following link

This policy was prepared in order to help you understand the nature of the data that we collect when you visit the spartacus-dz website 

User browsing.

The design of this site was not done in order to collect your personal data from your computer while browsing the spartacus-dz website

However, the use of the data provided by you will be done only with your knowledge and of your own free will

IP address.

Every time you visit any website, including this site, learn spartacus-dz

The host server will record your IP address, as well as the time and date of the visit, the type of Internet browser you are using, as well as the address or URL of any site on the Internet that refers you to this site.

Online surveys.

The surveys carried out by the site learn spartacus-dz

On the Internet, it enables us to collect specific data and details from you, such as your position, opinions, outlook, and thinking about the site. The responses that you may provide to us are of utmost importance and we value them very much, as they enable the site team to improve the level of the site, and know that you have complete freedom and the ability to choose in Provide any personal or other data.

Links or links to or from other websites.

The seo learning site may include blogger

On links or links to other sites on the Internet. Or on advertisements from other third party sites such as

Google AdSense

 We are not responsible for the methods of data collection by these sites. You can view the privacy policies and the confidentiality of information and the contents of those sites in them if they are accessed through any link within this site

The site may learn spartacus-dz

 We use third-party advertising companies to display ads when you visit our site. These companies have the right to use information about your visits to this site and any other websites (other than your name, address, email address or telephone number), in order to be able to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. If you want to read more information about this matter and if you want to know all the options available to you to prevent the use of this information by these companies, you can follow the following link:

Share or disclose information.

The task of maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all your personal data that we may obtain will be our top priority. Learn spartacus-dz

He will not disclose this information unless the disclosure of the information is required by any law or when you have a belief and in good faith that such an act will be required or desirable to comply with the law, or in order to defend or protect the property rights of an Arab SEO site or a beneficiary party. .

Data necessary to carry out the transactions you request.

When you need to get your data, learn spartacus-dz

You will be asked to submit it of your own free will and choice. This information will enable us to contact you and carry out what you request where we can. The sale of the data provided by you will not be sold to any third party to market it for its own benefit without obtaining our prior written approval, unless this is done on the basis that it is within collective data used for statistical and research purposes without including any data that may be used to identify you.

When you communicate with us or call us.

All data provided by you will be treated on the basis that it is confidential. There are forms directly submitted that may require you to provide data that may help us improve the site and the services it provides. The use of this data that you provide will be in response to all inquiries, notes, or your requests from the spartacus-dz learning site

or any of its affiliated sites

Disclosure or disclosure of information to any .third party

Selling, trading, renting, or disclosing any information to any third party outside our site. These are actions that Learning SEO will not take.

, or its affiliated sites. Disclosure of such information is made only in the event of a judicial or regulatory order from a competent authority.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy.

Learn seo blogger site

reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of its privacy policy and information if there is a need for that and when it deems it appropriate. Amendments here on the Privacy Policy page or on the Terms of Service page will be implemented, and we will also continuously notify you of any data we have obtained, how we will use it and who we may provide with this data.

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